Muttertag in Deutschland
Muttertag in Deutschland (picture: self-taken)
Es ist Muttertag.
“Muttertag” is a day to honor mothers. It's a day to show “Dankbarkeit” for “das Großziehen”, “dass sie sich kümmern” and in general doing everything for us. She changed our diapers, took us to school, held our hand when we were sick, “tröstet” us when we were sad, created wonderful Christmas and Easter (or whatever festivities you celebrate). There are many, many reasons to show a little gratitude to our mothers (or to the person in that role, e.g. aunt, etc.) on Mother's Day.
It has been established in the western world since 1914. In “D A CH” countries, it is celebrated on the second “Sonntag” of May. In other European countries, the date for Mother's Day may differ.
Mother's Day is actually not an invention of the advertising industry; the mother was already revered by the ancient Greeks.
Also, as early as the 13th century, people in England celebrated the so-called "mothering sunday".
But it was the American women's rights activist Julia W. Howe who really set the ball rolling in 1872 when she called for an official holiday for women. Later, her daughter Ann Marie Reeves Jarvis followed in Howe's footsteps and fought for the idea of reserving a day in the calendar to honor (“ehren”) “Mütter”.
“Geschenke” are part of the tone for most Germans. 73.4% of respondents give their moms something for Mother's Day. (Source: Augsburger Allgemeine) The classic gift is “Blumen”. “Pralinen”, “Kuchen” and “Parfum” are also popular gifts for this day.
Even in kindergarten, children “basteln” or paint a picture for their mom for Mother's Day and this is often continued in elementary school. Therefore, homemade gifts of any kind are very popular.
How about your home country? How and on which day do you celebrate Mother's Day in your home country? Let us know in the comments or write a quick email:
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der Muttertag – Mother’s Day
die Dankbarkeit – the gratitute
das Großziehen - raising (> jemanden großziehen)
sich kümmern um + AKK - to take care of
jemanden trösten - to comfort
D-A-CH - Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz (the region of German speaking countries: Germany, Austria, Switzerland)
Sonntag – Sunday
die Mutter (Pl. die Mütter) – the mother
ehren – to honor
das Geschenk (Pl. die Geschenke) – the gift/present
die Blume (Pl. die Blumen) – the flower
die Praline (Pl. die Pralinen) the chocolatesder Kuchen (Pl. die Kuchen) – the cake
das Parfum (Pl. die Parfums)- the parfume
basteln – to make handcrafts