How is the German Easter tradition?


Easter is just around the corner and you've probably wondered how exactly Germans celebrate Easter and what all the bunnies and eggs are about.

Germany has a very nice Easter tradition, and it is a “freudiges” and happy celebration with the family. On “Ostern” night (Saturday night) there is often an “Osterfeuer” in the countryside and on Easter people traditionally go to church. Meanwhile, the “Osterhase” usually already has come, which hides colorful eggs, chocolate eggs, “Schokoladenosterhasen” and small gifts - in the forest, in the garden or in rainy weather in the house.

The children (and adults) “suchen” the eggs and gifts with joy.

The “Osterkerze” is lit and the baked (or bought) “Osterlamm” is eaten, which is a kind of cake in the shape of a lamb.

Houses are decorated for Easter and people enjoy flowers to usher in spring.


What is celebrated on “Ostern”?

Easter celebrates the “Auferstehung” of Jesus Christ. The 40-day period of fasting since Ash Wednesday ends with Easter. Since the religious majority in Germany belongs to Christianity, this festival is duly celebrated here.

The name "Ostern" probably comes from the old Germanic word "eastron" (dawn).


When is Easter celebrated?

For many, Easter already begins on “Gründonnerstag”, the day of the “letzte Abendmahl”.

This is followed by “Karfreitag”. This is the day of the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. This is one of the highest “Feiertage” in Christianity. On this day, no meat is eaten in Christianity.

It is followed by “Karsamstag”, and finally “Ostersonntag” (resurrection of Jesus Christ). Easter Sunday is the highest holiday in the church year.


Why does the “Osterhase” come?

More than 300 years ago, the “Osterhase” was first mentioned. Children expect him as joyfully as they do the Christkind or Santa Claus at Christmas. He brings the colored eggs, chocolate and gifts.

The bunny is a sign of life and fertility.


Why does the “Osterei” exist and why is it colored?

The egg is also a sign of life and fertility because from the egg comes new life (the chick). In addition, eggs were not eaten during Lent, which accumulated, and so at Easter there were plenty of eggs. That one knew which were older and which were fresh eggs, they were marked with color, or colored.


How do you celebrate Easter in your country? What is typical? Let us and other readers know as a comment.


Language Success wishes you a HAPPY EASTER!



freudig – joyful
Ostern – Easter
das Osterfeuer - Easter bonfire
der Osterhase - Easter bunny
der Schokoladenosterhase - chocolate Easter bunny
suchen – to search
die Osterkerze - Easter candle
das Osterlamm - Easter lamb
die Auferstehung - the resurrection
der Gründonnerstag - Maundy Thursday
das letzte Abendmahl - Last Supper
der Karfreitag - Good Friday
der Feiertag – public holiday
der Karsamstag - Holy Saturday
der Ostersonntag - Easter Sunday
das Osterei – Easter egg


Sabine Pfeiffer1 Comment