Strandurlaub - vacation at the beach - Part II
… After having finished my coffee I return to the hotel to get my “Badetasche”. As I enter the entrance hall the friendly receptionist greets me in German and I return the greeting in Spanish.
A few minutes later, I pick up my “Badetuch”, “Bikini”, “Buch”, “eine Zeitschrift“, “eine Flasche Wasser”, my “Taucherbrille”, “Geldbeutel“, „Handy“ and an „Apfel“. Since I usually don’t use “Sonnencreme”, this is not in my bag. I then put on my “Flip Flops” and go with my boyfriend to that wonderful “Strand” around the corner.
It’s not too crowded and I can easily find a nice “Liege”. Some young families are playing at the beach with their kids beach ball, building “Sandburgen”, people relaxing on sunbeds, on towels in the sand and on “Luftmatratzen” in the water. Some foreigners are walking by, trying to sell some jewellery. You can hear nice music coming from somewhere near the beach bar. I’m looking at this perfect blue sky and “genieße” this perfect moment.
Later I decide to go with my “Taucherbrille” into the water as it is crystal clear and wonderfully turquoise blue. Near the rocks you can see amazing “Fische”. So, I’m “schwimme” and “tauche” and enjoying the sun rays under the water surface and the colourful fish.
After my under-water experience, I return to the sunbed to “spritz” some water on my sleeping boyfriend. At first, he is a bit disgruntled and then we “lachen” and decide to go to the beach bar to have an “Eis”.
(You can find out how to order ice cream in German in my previous blog post “Do you order your ice cream in German?”)
die Badetasche – bag for going to the beach or swimming
das Badetuch/das Handtuch – towel for going swimming (could be a bit different that the one you use at home)
der Bikini – the bikini -> for men: die Badehose
das Buch – the book
die Zeitschrift – the magazine
eine Flasche Wasser – a bottle of water
die Taucherbrille – swimming goggles
der Geldbeutel – the purse
das Handy – the mobile phone
der Apfel – the apple
die Sonnencreme – the sunscreen
die Flip Flops (Pl.) – flip flops
der Strand – the beach
die Liege/der Liegestuhl – the sun bed
die Sandburg – the sand castle
die Luftmatratze – the air mattress /airbed
der Fisch (Pl. die Fische) – the fish
schwimmen - to swim
tauchen – to dive
spritzen – to splash
lachen – to laugh
das Eis – the ice cream
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