Do you order your ice cream in German?


Are you enjoying the summer in Germany? What are your favorite activities at this time of year?

You probably like eating ice cream. 

Do you know how to order all your ice cream scoops in German?

Here is some help:

You: "Eine Kugel Vanille*eis, bitte." --> die Kugel - the scoop
You will probably be asked if you want it in a cup or cone.

"In der Waffel oder im Becher?"

You: "In der Waffel, (bitte). / Im Becher, (bitte)."

"Mit Sahne?" - With cream?

You: "Ja bitte./ Nein, danke."

"Darf es sonst noch etwas sein?" - Anything else?

You: "Das ist alles."

"Das macht .....EUR. "

“Danke, auf Wiedersehen. / Tschüs."

Or you start with:

"Ich hätte gerne 4 Kugeln im Becher: Erdbeer, Pistazie, Joghurt, Haselnuss."
- I'd like to have four scoops in a cup: strawberry, pistachio, yogurt, hazelnut.

Some more flavours: 

Johannisbeere - cassis

Melone - melon

Stracciatella - stracciatella 

(dunkle) Schokolade - (dark) chocolate 

Walnuss - walnut 

Amarena - yogurt with some cherry

Kirsch - cherry

Himbeere - raspberry 

Kaffee - coffee

Kinder Bueno - made of the chocolate bar called Kinder Bueno (milky ice cream with chocolate)

Cookie - I guess you know that ;-)

Waldfrucht/Waldbeeren - mix of berries

Pfirsich - peach

Banane - banana

Tiramisu - tiramisu 

Guten Appetit! 

What is your favourit flavour? Let us know in the comments! (Auf Deutsch).

In case you are interested in learning or improving your German skills and your knowledge about the German culture, feel free to contact me or check out our courses:

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