Making Friends - Part 2 Getting down to the business of making friends
Be proactive! Greet your neighbours, your local bakery dude, the post man or woman if you happen to see them. I found chit-chatting in my local bakery a great way to start.
Hobbies and sports clubs are a serious business here. So, join your local sports club or “Verein”. Take a class at your local Volkshochschule. I became friends with the lovely Angela at a pottery course I took. Running groups, such as Park Run, are often free. Show up week after week and you’ll definitely find friends. Invite someone for a post run Kaffee and Kuchen!
Do you have children? If so, you have hit the find a friend jackpot.
Small children have to be accompanied on playdates. It means spending hours with parents whom you don’t know and who are anxious for their children to have friends. Full disclosure; it can be torturous but you’ll probably get cake (it’s everywhere!). Maybe the adults will hit it off and a family friendship ensues.
Dogs are also a pretty safe bet. Check out your local park and you’ll see many dog owners huddled together chatting, extending the hand of friendship.
Yes, it will take time. However, once you have made that break through you’ll have a loyal and reliable friend for life. My good friend Melanie has a habit of moving apartments. I’ve lost count of how many times I have helped her to move. But every time she moves, it’s the same crew that shows up to help. It’s her own reliable, loyal crew, shouting and joking with each other. I, for one, am certainly proud to be part of it.
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