Dating in Germany

Dating in Germany

When it comes to the topic of dating, you may encounter some fascinating cultural differences. Once my Argentinian friend asked me: "German men look so interesting and nice, but HOW can you get them to go on a date with you?" A French friend also asked me almost the same question some time ago. Non-native people seem to experience a bit of a learning curve when it comes to dating German men or women.

As you maybe already have experienced in Germany, it's a bit more in style here to be slightly more honest than in many other countries.

Strategies for women: If you are interested, actually say "yes" in addition to your non-verbal "yes", and show interest non-verbally with your facial expressions and body language. German men need to be shown a lot of interest before they start to make the first move. Be a bit more honest, state the point a bit more clearly, and don't expect too much courtship. If you do, you might have to wait for a long time. 😉

Strategies for men: If German women say "no" and don't show interest non-verbally, it's not because they want to play hard to get in order for you to "fight" more. It rather means that they are simply not interested. If they are, they would say "yes" and show it. So for instance in comparison to the Italian culture, where women may be expected to first say "no" up to three times even they are interested in you, a German woman would be surprised and confused if you were to continue on after the first "no". If she would be interested in you, she would just show and verbalize it immediately.
(Side note for women: If you say “no” even though you are interested and like the guy, don’t be surprised if he immediately gives up.)

It's a very simple formula: The KISS-principle (Keep It Short and Simple).

How is your experience with dating Germans? Let us know and write in the momments! 💕

Do you want to learn more about the German language and culture?
Feel free to check out our online courses which are very small groups and start every beginning of a month.

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