Improve your German skills with

Language Success

Language Success stands for:

    1. Your best language results: a special teaching concept that helps you apply German to real life with practical exercises
    2. Your well-being through cultural understanding with your personal cultural support
    3. High quality teaching: due to proven methodologies and highly qualified, native German teachers

Led by the passionate business founder Sabine
Pfeiffer and her brilliant team of highly qualified teachers, Language Success
helps people get the most out of their experience abroad — in Germany.
We want you to settle well, continue perfectly and add immeasurable
value to your life with the new language and cultural understanding!

We are committed to high quality teaching and giving you the exact
support, you need — to truly achieve your personal and professional success in Germany (Austria/Switzerland).

We offer different programs and courses, all
based on proven methodologies of a fine combination of newest linguistic
science results — a combination of the way children learn a language
automatically and the way adults do. This is in fact the most effective way to
learn a new language.

Language Success is dedicated to walk you
through the new culture and give you the right support in different situations,
including effective language learning and how to apply it to real-life
situations. According to our special and successful teaching concept, we include practical exerices in real-life. Thereby, more people can reach their potential and live the way
they truly want to live – comfortably and successfully in Germany.

To tell us more about your situation and to see how we could support you the best way possible and which course is the right one for you, schedule your free consultation call now:

Stay tuned for our new Language Success’ Telegram Channel
”Daily Dose of Deutsch”

Comming soon

Daily bite-sized learning, practically on your phone.

For all levels.

  • 3-5 min learning content every day

  • Practically and flexibel on your phone

  • Consistency is the key to fluency: get your German going and improve your skills in a quick, easy, and enjoyable way.

    Sign up for our newsletter to be informed and get special offers:

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Starting soon!


Starting soon!

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Student Stories

Upcoming Events:

Did you know?

We also offer intercultural meet-ups, events and exchange opportunities to enable you to socialize and to support (intercultural) learning. Check out our Meetup “Foreigners Feeling Comfortable in Munich”.


To get all learnings, tips, and news sign up for our newsletter. :-)

Learn with us and practice your German, learn about the German culture, get more information about how learning with Language Success looks like and get new offers first.

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Why learn German?


Mastering a new language opens up countless possibilities. You get to know people and how to communicate with them. Gaining access to a new culture and learning to be successful within it provides new professional opportunities and enables you to develop your personality and broaden your horizons.

learning German in a very effective way

What is our multi-dimensional teaching concept?

With our specially developed multi-dimensional learning concept we combine high quality, individual theoretical learning with all types of language competencies such as reading, listening, writing and speaking (where a special focus is on the speaking proficiency) and practical learning. You will learn to apply German to your life.

In small groups of only four to six participants or in individual lessons we will support you in learning the language in an easy way. Focusing on everyday life, we will give you plenty of practical learning opportunities: Shopping at Viktualienmarkt, buying pretzels in a bakery or ordering a coffee at Odeonsplatz. We will include the beauty and cultural richness of Munich in your cultural and linguistic learning process.

  • Learning the German language in a pleasant and convenient way with lots of practical exercises

  • Getting cultural support in personal topics and learning all about the German culture

  • Getting help with filling in forms, business projects, taking out an insurance, preparing for your appointment at hair dresser or calling the doctor as well as preparing for your first German date 😃

  • The lessons will take place in the cozy and authentic environment of a café or in your firm.

Cultural learning Germany

What is our cultural support?

For your good starting period, perfect continuation and well-being in Germany, to understand people, situations and culture, we include personal cultural support to make the package perfect. You will learn essentials as well as everything you are interested in concerning living in Germany and interacting with Bavarians.

If you are in your settling process and need some concrete addresses, have a look here: Munich Expats.

How do we guarantee our high standards?

  • We only provide professional highly qualified, educated and trained academics with varied teaching experiences who will teach you the German language according to the highest standards and assist you in your personal learning process.

  • Our teaching concept is specially developed according to the latest results of linguistic science combined with practical learning and in an authentic environment.

  • In small groups or individual lessons we provide the highest level of individuality in your personal learning process

Schedule your free consultation call with us now